Saginaw Valley Pet Cremations

Frequently Asked Questions
Can I bring my pet to you directly?
Yes, you can bring your pet directly to us any time during our office hours.
Do you do euthanizations?
No, we cannot perform euthanizations. However, you can still bring them directly
to us after the appointment.
For at home euthanasia visit
Do I need an appointment?
No, you do not need to book an appointment to bring in your pet. However, if you would like to call ahead of time we will gladly discuss procedure with you.
How do I know if the remains I'm getting back really belong to my pet?
Here at SVPC we take care of each pet individually. Every pet has an identification card and cremation tag that stays with them before, during, and after cremation.
How long will it take to get my pet's cremated remains back?
Your pet will be ready for pick in 1-3 business days after drop off.
What payment types do you accept?
We accept Cedit/Debit cards and cash payment.
Can I fill out paperwork ahead of time?
Yes, you can take home the paperwork or fill it out in our office ahead of time however we can not accept payment in advance.
Can my pet's toy be cremated with them?
Often times yes though it depends on the material. Things like rubber, plastic, or silicone cannot be cremated with them.
What do you do with carriers or blankets that are left behind?
We always confirm with our customers whether or not they would like their items back. If they decline and the items can still be of use then we donate them to our local animal rescues and services.
Do obituaries cost anything? How can I submit one?
Our memorials are done at no charge. You can submit your obituary by emailing us photos and anything you would like to write about your pet, their personality, and their life with you.
What do I do if my pet passes after hours or on the weekend?
If your pet passes and you are unable to come in right away we recommend to keep them as cold and dry as possible until they can be brought to us.